quinta-feira, 23 de junho de 2016

Media and Transformations of Religion

Knut Lundby


There are three flag-terms that stand out, states Birgit Meyer in the opening chap-ter of this book, that, in her view, are ‘central to the reconfiguration of the study of religion in general, and the trans-disciplinary conversation’: transformation, materiality, mediation. I agree on the centrality of these three concepts to understand religion across media. However, I will confront this triangle of key terms with the concept of mediatization as developed and developing in media and communication studies. Meyer has asked, in Chapter 1, from her viewpoint in anthropology and religious studies, ‘whether “mediatization” can at all be fruitfully extended into a broader, historical and global theory of the transformation of religion through “media”’ (p. 15). The distinction between ‘embedded’ and ‘disembedded’ media introduced in the Introduction (pp. xiv–xv) is crucial to understand transformationsof religion across media, I argue.

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