quinta-feira, 14 de abril de 2016

Mass Media as a Site of Resacralization of Contemporary Cultures

Jesús Martín-Barbero


In recent years, I have become increasingly aware of the profound changes in the way people come together socially and how they relate to each other when they are together. I think that this constitutes, at the deepest level, the object of the study of human communication. What does, in fact, bring people together socially? This is connected, I would argue, with the study of the media as the locus of the constitution of identities and as a space for configuration of communities. The media are, above all, a factor in the differentiation of various types of communities. This implies, of course, that the media are not just economic phenomena or instruments of politics. Nor are the media interesting simply as one more instance of rapid technological change. Rather, the media must be analyzed as a process of creating cultural identities and of bringing individuals into coherent publics that are "subjects of action." To conceptualize the relations of modernity, religiosity, and media, one must see the media as a central factor in the constitution of social actors.

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