terça-feira, 10 de maio de 2016

Marketing in Catholic Media

Terézia Rončáková


The question whether Catholic media fulfill their role in the society and the way they use media communication channels to spread religious messages raises another question, which is of no lesser importance – the problem of marketing. For the purpose hereof, by marketing we mean anything directed to increasing the demand for a given product with respect to both the media’s advertisers and the audience.

The situation in Slovakia in the field of marketing in Catholic media is of special importance due to a kind of general feeling that marketing in those media is of poor quality, insufficient, unmanaged, disregarded or neglected. The question of whether this is a prejudice or the reality is yet to be examined herein.

As we examine this question in more detail, we will reflect upon the following seven areas of concern: advertising, self-promotion, marketing department staffing, attitudes of concerned stakeholders, approach to the gathering and evaluation of feedback, subsidies of media obtained from managing entities, and distribution of media product.

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